
The Beginning

Invitation To Islam (ITI) was established in 1992 by Mohamed Saleem in the blessed city of Madeenah. It was formed after a discussion between a group of volunteers during the Hajj period in which it was decided to collect some money for the distribution of a popular book called Hisnul Muslim. Approximately £200 was collected and the charity was formed (Alhamdulillah).

Whilst studying in the city of the Prophet ﷺ, Mohamed Saleem had the opportunity to meet students, as well as pilgrims, from over 150 different countries, which strengthened his ambition to share authentic Islamic knowledge with others around the world.

Hisnul Muslim Project

During 1992 there was a very popular book amongst the people and students known as Hisnul Muslim which taught daily remembrance and supplications from the practical life of the Prophet ﷺ. However, at the time, this book was only available in Arabic which brought about a new idea of translating the book into different languages and then distributing them to the  pilgrims (hujaaj) who would then take them back to their countries. The intention was to spread the sunnah of our beloved Prophet ﷺ all over the world.

Consequently, we contacted the author of Hisnul Muslim, Shaykh Qahtaani (May Allāh have mercy on him), and shared our vision with him. The Shaykh, pleased and inspired with this idea, granted Invitation To Islam (ITI) permission to translate his book.

ITI then embarked on our first project and translated Hisnul Muslim into the English language titled 'Fortification of the Muslim through remembrance and supplication from the Quran and Sunnah.' The entire translation process took three years and the book was first published in English in 1996.

During the following approximately eight years, ITI translated Hisnul Muslim into over 15 languages. The translations were then further printed by the author himself, as well as renowned publishers such as Dar Al Khair and The Ministry Of Islamic Affairs, Dawah and Guidance (Government Administration). 

The Hisnul Muslim book was handed out by ITI volunteers to people who came to visit Makkah and Madeenah from all around the world, throughout the year but especially during the time of Hajj. Other organisations soon held the same vision and the book was eventually translated into over 44 other languages and distributed to millions around the world (Alhamdulillah).

Dawah in Africa

A group of students arrived at Madeenah University from Africa. They then went on to lead Invitation To Islam (ITI)'s first construction of masjids, water wells and classrooms in Africa in 1998.

In 2004, ITI started its first dawah project in Togo, West Africa from a masjid ITI helped to build. ITI’s dawah caravan, the ‘Invitation Caravan’, consisted of teachers and volunteers, who began visiting small towns and villages in West Africa in order to invite people to Islam. Some of the remote villages the Invitation Caravan visited were situated in dangerous areas which people would not usually visit due to unsafe roads and dangerous animals during the journey.

By the Mercy of Allāh at the end of that summer caravan, which was able to last for approximately 3 months,  200 people, including eight village chiefs had successfully embraced Islam.

Since then over 100,000 people have embraced Islam (Alhamdulillah). Among them are notables, chiefs and ex-priests who have now formed their own association, the Former Priests Association (FPA) and they are now working on the ground with ITI to continue spreading Islam.

Building Muslim Communities

ITI particularly strives to convey the message of Islam to tribes and remote villages that have never been exposed to Islam before. When people or entire villages embrace Islam, ITI helps cater to the spiritual and physical needs of the community.

ITI is now carrying out numerous projects that assist in building a self-sufficient community, such as constructing masjids (mosques), digging water wells and building education facilities. Through these projects, ITI aims to enable the new Islamic community to grow both in their worldly life and in their hereafter.

Supporting Communities

When communities accept Islam, continuous and varied support is required in order to assist the communities with learning and practising their new faith. ITI provides new Muslims with such support by educating them about Islam, teaching them how to pray, and providing them with essentials, amongst numerous other things, by the permission of Allāh.

ITI currently has qualified teachers who work primarily in Africa and travel on a monthly basis to remote villages in countries such as Benin, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Togo, to teach them about Islam and offer any necessary support.


The Future

There is still much work to be done in West Africa. There continue to be people in some of the most remote places on Earth who are yet to be reached. Essential facilities need to be built and education must be provided. New Muslim communities and ITI teachers need to be supported in order to continue this noble work of the prophets.

Be part of our journey, be part of this story!

By the mercy and permission of Allāh and the support of ITI’s donors:

•  Over 100,000 people have embraced Islam

•  Over 1000 villages have been visited by the Invitation Caravan

•  Over 100 masjids have been built

•  Over 200 water wells have been constructed

•  Over 350,000 books have been distributed for free

•  25 books have been translated into English and published
